Advertiser Quickstart

As an advertiser on our platform, we offer the ability to track conversions and create custom audiences within our system. This is essential for optimizing your campaigns and accurately calculating metrics like Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). To achieve this, your website needs to ping us back on ad landing pages and any audience creation pages (e.g., tracking checkout conversions).

Tracking Types

We offer two tracking types: URL and Event.

  • URL Tracking: Use this if you don't need extra control over how the audience is created. For example, if a user visits /checkout/success, it is considered a conversion.
  • Event Tracking: Use this for more detailed audience tracking, such as tracking specific actions like "People that clicked on this button."

Why ROAS Tracking and Event Tracking Are Important

  • ROAS Tracking: Calculating ROAS accurately allows you to understand the effectiveness of your ad spend. By knowing the revenue generated from your ad campaigns, you can optimize your budget allocation and improve campaign performance.
  • Event Tracking: This provides more granular data, enabling you to track specific customer actions such as items added to the cart or completed purchases. This level of detail helps in creating more targeted and effective campaigns.

Integration Steps

Add the Armanet SDK

Include the Armanet SDK in the <head> section of your page using the following code:

  <script src="" defer></script>

URL Tracking

If you only need to support URL Tracking Type, just adding the SDK is enough. Now follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the control panel.
  2. Create an audience.
  3. Select the URL Tracking Type.
  4. Provide your checkout success URL.

Event Tracking

Event Tracking Type allows for detailed tracking and ROAS calculation. Here’s how to implement it:

Track Items Added to Cart

Add JavaScript code to send an event to Armanet whenever an item is added to the cart. Use the following code:

Armanet.sendEvent('addedToCart', {
  itemId: 123456,
  upc: "123456",
  price: 123.45,
  quantity: 1

Track Orders Placed

Add JavaScript code to send an event to Armanet on the order success page to track completed orders. Use the following code:

Armanet.sendEvent('purchased', {
  orderNumber: "123456",
  orderTotal: 123.45,
  coupon: "SUMMER10",
  items: [
      itemId: 123456,
      upc: "123456",
      price: 123.45,
      quantity: 1


By following these integration steps, you can effectively track conversions and create custom audiences within our platform. This will enable you to optimize your ad campaigns, calculate ROAS accurately, and gain deeper insights into customer behavior.